is the name given to me by my spiritual teacher. It carries the
vibrational frequency of wisdom, of peace, and the historical resonance
of one who was a wise and just king, a mystical but pragmatic leader
who united people of many and varied beliefs and cultures under
the supreme consciousness of Oneness. I use the name in my role
as teacher because it embodies the vision I myself hold for humanity
- that beyond the seemingly separate and disparate beliefs and cultures
there is a common experience that unites us, a shared Divinity.
I believe that we can access this Divinity through transcendent
meditation and express it in our human lives through conscious living
just as did the Jesus, the Buddha, Lord Krishna, Mohammed and other
Masters. This Divinity, our shared birthright, is the life that
lives us, Light of Pure Light, the One Breath, the peace we seek
to return to, the Self yet to be realized. With growing awareness
and devoted passion to our individual paths, we can open again to
this great truth and realize it in our human experience. The re-awakening
to the Divinity, the Life, common to all of us, will deliver us
to the personal peace we seek and the greater possibility of peace
for mankind.
In my life as Timothy, I have been a
business executive, a mystic, a realtor, a healer, a student and
a teacher. My spiritual/religious experience incorporates Christianity,
Hinduism, Buddhism, Kashmir Shivism and New Age-ism. I have lived
in an ashram as the devoted disciple of an Enlightened Master. I
have been rich, poor and in between. In the evolution of my life
I have identified myself as straight, bisexual and gay. In my search
for greater wisdom and understanding (and sometimes just for fun),
I have traveled much of the world and have lived in my native Texas,
in California, Oregon, New York, Hawaii, Quebec, the Dominican Republic
and in France. I have given conferences, taught workshops and worked
as a spiritual counselor in most of these places over the years.
I struggle each day with the complexities and challenges of ego
and human conditioning attempting to live a conscious life, often
failing, sometimes succeeding brilliantly. A Master I am not. In
my life experience and in my studies, however, I have learned much.
This I long to share as a part of my own personally defined path.
I present myself as SOLOMON in order to do so. The blessed years
spent with my Master Teacher and the sacred initiations received
from him have left me with the gift to guide others into a deep
transcendent state, to touch God within. This gift I utilize, along
with the expansion of wisdom, to assist others on their chosen path.
Timothy Ernster