I have been a student of A COURSE IN MIRACLES since
May of 1979. I had just moved to Nashville from Key West, Florida
where I was born and grew up. I came to Nashville with a BA degree
in psychology and a lovely wife and one son. We moved to be close
to her family who lived here, and I was trying to figure out what
I wanted to do with my life.
That first Sunday in Nashville I went to First
Church Unity. The guest speaker was going around the various Unity
churches introducing A COURSE IN MIRACLES. The COURSE had only been
given to the public by Helen Shucman and William Thetford in 1976.
That Sunday, the guest speaker had a workshop after the church service
and then mentioned that if anyone would like a private counseling
session, she was open for it.
I had the private session, and for the next seven
days I was literally able to view my body from outside myself. I
was living an out-of-body experience with such powerful spiritual
feeling that I really have no adequate words to describe it. It
was a feeling that I cannot compare to anything in this world. I
knew I had to seek no further. I had found my purpose in life.
I bought the book that Sunday and began to read
and re-read it. Even when a lot of it confused me, I was not a bit
discouraged, because the words just called me home. Over the years
I have read A COURSE IN MIRACLES well over a hundred times. I continue
to read and study it as I teach, because it keeps me focused on
my function of peace. And I never tire of seeing others grab it
and grapple with it-how it changes and heals their lives in all
In the early days there was no supplemental study
material. All we had was the BOOK. The first ACIM class I attended
just came together informally in the early 80's when a group of
us desperately needed to talk about what we were reading. The discussion
went something like this. "I don't know what that means what do
you think it means?" We didn't get a formal teacher until 1987.
When he left the next year, I was asked to take over the class.
In truth I had already studied the Course enough and in class when
I answered the questions, the students understood me better than
the teacher.
In addition to my personal study of the Course
I have studied the resource works of Dr. Kenneth Wapnick, the close
friend of Helen Schucman and William Thetford who organized their
original version of A COURSE IN MIRACLES. From 1986 to1992 I traveled
yearly to New York to attend Wapnick's teaching center. The Foundation
for A COURSE IN MIRACLES. I attended Wapnick's classes; and I reviewed
and discussed the meaning of the Course with Wapnick, himself, until
I was confident that I had the deepest meaning that the Course was
trying to convey.
In 1988 when I first started to teach, I wanted
to please everyone, and didn't like that feeling. The night after
the first class, I prayed, "Ok, Jesus, if you want me to teach your
Course, you are going to have to help me." In my sleep I had a dream,
and Jesus appeared. He asked me what I wanted to know. There was
a long Q and A session, and when I awoke, I knew I could teach the
COURSE. It was like going to bed and not knowing how to play the
piano and waking up able to play Mozart. I have been teaching A
COURSE IN MIRACLES at First Church Unity in Nashville on Sunday
morning and Tuesday night ever since.
In 1989 I began to give 4-hour workshops to augment
the one hour class sessions. The subject material in the COURSE
is so profound that it is impossible to organize it neatly into
isolated topics. To discuss any topic extensively, one has to go
all over the book. Each section is like one piece of a ten thousand
piece puzzle. In one hour there is no way one can thoroughly cover
important topics like relationships, money and sickness.
In my one hour classes I have found it most helpful
to allow class members to bring up the questions and topics that
are important to them. Then I refer them to the parts of the COURSE
that apply to their questions. By contrast in the workshops I focus
on one key topic, and concentrate the explanation and discussion
on that one area. Over the years I have conducted over 90 workshops
and a number of additional weekend retreats.
In 1994 I began offering individual counseling
sessions which enable one to get to personal issues he or she might
not want to bring up in class. I use the COURSE to give them a different
way of looking at what is happening and how to remove the fear that
is causing the problem.
In 2006 I became interested in PSYCH-K, a technique
which allows you to achieve self healing, forgiveness and clearance
without having to delineate and analyze your issues. I attended
training and am now a PSYCH-K facilitator.
PSYCH-K stands for Psychological Kinesiology. The
kinesiology part refers to the diagnosis system that determines
what the real problem is. The psychological part is the undoing
of the unwanted thoughts that produce undesirable results in our
life. The process is accomplished by putting your body in proper
alignment to get your conscious and sub-conscious mind to work in