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Pendants, Paintings, and Wind Chimes
I work with higher dimension healing energy.  Am I the only one?  Am I special?  Absolutely not!  I do what I am guided to do and intend healing into the pieces.  This is what I feel is to be done and it is.

Healing is programmed into each original piece through intention and prayer. The price includes the additional energy work that is done after the jewelry piece is initially completed, and again when I know who has bought the piece.

Each piece is original.  I incorporate glass, silver, copper and other types of wiring into each piece going as led by spirit.

Energy healing is by no means new.  It has been done for thousands of years in Atlantis, Egypt, Far East and other places in this Earth. 

There are a number of types of energy healing, but they are all based on the principle that universal energy can be harnessed and directed to specific areas of the body, mind, emotions or spirit that are energy-deficient, thus experiencing dis-ease.  The human body holds thought patterns and emotions that are often a storehouse for unmanifested fears and desires. When repressed and unexpressed, these emotions and thoughts may lead to stress and illness.

The jewelry assists in diminishing stress and enhancing balance, clarity, and health within each of the four bodies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) of the individual.

I am a healer.  I have worked with energy over 40 years in this lifetime, and am slowly remembering that I have been a healer in many of my parallel lifetimes.

Ordained as a healing hands on minister, I have had the privilege of assisting many that have come to me for help.  Now I am told by my guides and angels that I need to make the jewelry available in a larger scale so here it is.


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